Jumat, 29 November 2013

Stories from The Past (Review ++)

saya mau mulai postingan ini dengan sebuah kejujuran: history is not my cup of tea.
aslik, buat beberapa orang lain mungkin baca cerita sejarah itu menarik yaaa, but not for me.. hehe.. saya cenderung bosen dan ngantuk kalo baca hal-hal yang berhubungan dgn sejarah. saya kan anak masa kiniiiii *ditimpuk iPad* #ngarep #pasti semangat nangkepnya klo ada yg mau nimpuk iPad #ini kok tambah ngaco sik

eniweiii... beberapa waktu lalu--udah lumayan lama, mungkin setaunan--saya TERPAKSA banget berkutat dgn bacaan sejarah, soalnya saya dapet tawaran job ngedit buku dgn tema tempo doeloe. lah trus klo nggak suka dan ngerasa terpaksa kenapa diterima jobnyaah? ada beberapa alasan nih..

Jumat, 01 November 2013

[Written in English Project #5]: Love More & Judge Less!

I am a mother. But you won't find many parenting articles in this blog. It's not that I don't want to share about my parenthood stories and experiences. Like any other mothers, I'd looove to talk about my children. But one thing I found--and HATE it a lot!--is that how women (esp. mothers) like to judge other mothers' parenting style and decisions.

Dear moms all over the world, let's end this mother war. Let's love more and judge less.


This is my 5th article for my "Written in English - Project" on this blog. Every month, I'll make 1 (or more) post(s) in English. I was suppose to make this post on October -_-'  Anyway, better late than never, right? :P Feel free to comment on this subject or my English writing ;) Thanks!