Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

A to Z Life Advice

Well hello there! It's been a while since I wrote a blog post in English.
Last year, I run a project called "Written In English Project" on this blog, where every month I wrote at least one post in English. You can read about the project here, and some of my post are:
- How My Father Met My Mother
- Fashion Week Spring/Summer'14

Unfortunately, I decided to stop doing the project. Due to lack of time consistency and ideas, I haven't post any English articles this year.
Until today.
I challenge myself to write another post in English, and not like any article I've made before, this is my version of an A to Z Alphabetical (Life) Advice. Read through one by one, and I assure you will get 'something' in every sentence.

A : Always do your best
B : Be nice to everyone
C : Can't stop before you finish
D : Dare to be different
E : Embrace your flaws
Kate Bosworth embrace her heterochromia iridum: a hazel right eye and a blue left eye.
:: image source ::
F : Fast to forgive and forget
G : Go for whatever makes you happy
H : Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
I : It's never too late to learn
J : Just dance through life
Leo Plass, 99 years old, received his diploma from Eastern Oregon University in La Grande.
:: image source ::

K : Keep smiling!
L : Laughter is an instant vacation
M : Mistakes teach us to do better next time
N : Never stop doing your best
O : One small positive thought can change your whole day
P : Pretty words are not always true, and true words are not always pretty
their smile and laughter are my instant vacation ^__^

Q : Quiet the mind and the soul will speak
R : Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect
S : Stop wishing, start doing
T : The expert in anything was once a beginner
U : Unbelievable things can happen if you just believe

V : Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat
W : Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you
X : 'Xpect nothing, appreciate everything
Y : Yesterday is a lesson for what you do today and who you are tomorrow
Z : Zero winning is still better than zero battle

The last advice, especially, is something I create to empower myself :D Considering I never won any blog competition or giveaways yet, but I would keep on trying. Including this post, which is actually my participation of "Giveaway: Be Creative, Be Imaginative" by noworryenglish.

noworryenglish Giveaway
Have a great day, people!

8 komentar:

Dini mengatakan...

Hehe keren mbak! :)

Sonya Tampubolon mengatakan...

ah mbak Dini bisa aja.... :P *ge er*

Unknown mengatakan...

"Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect"
I like it Mbak, walau masih selalu jadi minderer.... :(

Sonya Tampubolon mengatakan...

makjlebbles yah mbak @sofia zhanzabila :) saya juga sering down krn sifat perfeksionis saya sendiri. so this is a great reminder ;) makasih udah mampir yaahh

Ety Abdoel mengatakan...

Cool...saya masih takut untuk nulis dalam bahasa inggris Mba..hehehe, takuuut salah

Sonya Tampubolon mengatakan...

M : Mistakes teach us to do better next time
R : Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect
T : The expert in anything was once a beginner
Saya yakin juga tulisan ini banyak salahnya mbak @ety abdoel :D tapi kan namanya juga belajar. klo gak pernah berani mencoba, kapan mau bisa, ya kaann? ;)

Elnie mengatakan...

nice post, mbak. Its kinda hard for few people to pull up her/his confidence :)

Sonya Tampubolon mengatakan...

Agree, mbak @elnienesia! and what you say just give me an idea :D
C: Confidence is crucial for any kind of success ;)
thanks for dropping by and share a comment

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